Saturday, April 21, 2012

It's a Zoo Out There!

Hooray!  Our carpet came!  Out with the old, in with the new...
And while we had to be out of the house, Kenny had the 3 older boys at their Credo classes, and I took the younger seven to the Zoo.  What a wonderful day we had.
The animals were so beautiful (and smelly, says Natty).  And my children were so fun to be with. Sarah and Tommy got to feed the giraffes.
This zoo is on the base of a mountain, and overlooks the city down below. Tommy and Emma are standing on an overlook area here.
Hannah was amazing. She helped out a lot with the younger ones, so I let her and Emma run around with the camera for a while at the end of our trip. She got a lot of really nice shots of the animals.

Tommy, Nat, and Sarah taking a break from 'all that walking uphill'.
Sarah and Nat pose by the zebras.
And what's a fun day without GUMMIES?!
Our wonderful Creator has surely blessed us with the ability to enjoy His design.
And when we all returned from our day out...(Stay tuned!)

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