Sunday, August 19, 2012


"Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness,
And for His wonderful works to the children of men!"

Kenny usually leads the family in Bible study each night, but he was out with Danny and Joey tonight, so at home we did it 'Mom Style'.  That's where we each choose a passage of scripture, read it aloud, and say why we chose it.  Tonight Sammy chose the above passage from Psalm 107.  After talking about thanks-giving for a bit we decided to go around the room and give thanks to God, and not ask for anything.  I told the kiddos that I know there are many things to ask for, but they will have to wait until tomorrow.  Tonight we just gave thanks to our wonderful Lord. 
The time was so sweet.  I had a room full of half-cranky, sun-warmed, exhausted young ones who had just come home from 4 days of camping with half our church.  What wonders thanks-giving does for a worn-out soul! 
Remembering His works are so sweet and life-giving.  And besides that, He deserves our gratitude!

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