Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Climbing the Rock

This morning we awoke with no showings on the calendar.  But, since all our stuff is packed up, we needed to find something else to do with our day.  The sun was just beckoning us to climb Castle Rock, and so we did.  As the morning went on, however, we found out we were to have a couple more showings, so we did quite a bit of running around and being in the van. Whew, are we tired.  
Seven of the most wonderful children. Ever. The Castle Rock is behind them, and we climbed to the base of it today.

My sweet, sensitive Emma

Just some really handsome young men.

At the top, looking out at the town below.

A bit of the view.

Some of my very favorite people to hike with!

Michael is 17 months old. And he's still bald. Here he has his mouth full of lunch, while he takes a rest.  It's hard work being carted around in a backpack, you know.

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