Friday, May 24, 2013

Thankful for the Kindness of God

Yesterday I took my six younger ones to stay with some friends and play, while Hannah and I and her friend and friend's mom (also my friend) went clothes shopping at the thrift store.  We had a wonderful time, visiting over lunch and looking for bargains.  I ended up staying out later than I had planned, and was quite tired from being gone so much this week, and from being a single mom while the guys are in Arkansas.  I hardly said a word on the way home, just ready for bed.
When we got home and sluggishly unloaded everyone and everything, I checked email to see about future showings and such.  What I saw was that somebody was putting together an offer on our home.  Our older, lived in, but prettied-up home was going to bless another family!  And the offer is really good.  I know there are many days until we actually close, and we have to walk through all the stuff and paperwork, but I am so thankful for this most generous bid on our little place!  Truly thankful for God answering back to those who have prayed for a quick sale. 
I have seen the hand of God this season, walking us through a lot of things. Covering us and leading us even as we have felt discouraged, exhausted, and unsure.
Yesterday as my mind and body seemed to be like a balloon letting air out, I struggled to stay patient with my crew of kiddos.  I was at the bottom of the barrel, having many demands from many darling people who weren't seeming so darling at the time.  I read this blog post, written by our friend from church, and was relieved and encouraged.  God is working, and we don't have to bring a whole lot to the table.  What kind of God is this that we serve? He is better than we think. Hallelujah!! 


  1. Glad you have a good offer on your home. Many Blessings,

  2. Thank you so much. We are so very thankful!
