Thursday, May 15, 2014

Field Day!

When our older boys were small, we found about a really great program for home schoolers.  PE Plus is taught by a wonderfully warm and Godly man.  The children learn not only sports and games, but also Bible stories, character building stories, and good sportsmanship.  
We took about a five year break from PE, as our older ones got busier with conflicting things, but this year Thomas and younger got to sign up for the spring semester.  They enjoyed it, and looked very forward to the annual Field Day, where PE Plus classes from around the area compete and win ribbons.  They 'had a blast, oh my goodness!', as Sarah said.  Hannah and Thomas were helpers, and Emma, Nate, Sarah, and Ellie participated.  Okay, Ellie kind of participated.  She was fighting a cold and is quite introverted by nature, so when she saw me toward the end of the day, she opted out of her team's activities, and clung quite tightly to her familiar Mama.
And with the exception of a five-minute snowstorm (yes, it's true), it was a beautiful day, full of great physical exercise and fellowship with old friends from our community.

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